Relax, Reflect, and Renew: Guided Morning Meditation

Online event

Fridays | 11am - 11:45am EASTERNwith Gen Kelsang Zamling, Resident Teacher | $6Info & Registration here: --- Enjoy a relaxing and inspiring morning guided meditation. A great way to start the day and a perfect preparation for the weekend ahead. Everyone is welcome to attend this class, regardless of previous experience. Buddhism | Buddhist

Camping at Debbie’s and Kevin’s – SW Michigan

4770 Taube Rd 4770 Taube Rd, Coloma, MI, us

Camping Debbie’s and Kevin’s in SW Michigan Dates: Friday, April 23 to Sunday, April 25. Average temperature this time of year is a daytime high of Low 60's and nighttime low of 40's. Debbie and I would like to invite you for a camping weekend at our place. We are planning a few hikes. You …

FREE: Meaningful Conversation & Connection

Online event

Join us for a lively hour of meaningful discussion and spiritual community, open to absolutely everyone -- including pets! Each week Gen Zamling will pose a different thought-provoking "Big Question" for open discussion. It's a relaxing, meaningful end to the week. To join us, RSVP on our website:'s-Big-Question

Group Coaching – Rehabbing 201: Planning, Estimating and Executing

Online event

This Session is FREE for VIP Members and FIRST Time Attendees. If you would like to attend some events, but not commit to an annual membership, I'm introducing a NEW Membership/ Coaching program at a reduced rate. This session will be BOTH a follow up to our Rehab 101 Class in January, as well as …

HUD certified homebuyer workshop

Are you ready to buy a home in Michigan or Maryland? Well, let's go!The online workshop covers the process of financing and owning a home. Topics of this workshop will include the importance of credit and savings, determining your price range, mortgage readiness, down-payment and closing cost assistance, making an offer, the necessity for a …

Stop Worrying, Start Living – online meditation workshop (live & recorded)

Online event

Apr 24, 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM EASTERNOnline Workshop (live + 72 hrs)Info & Registration: Imagine the vitality and zest for life you will have when you make worry a thing of the past! This workshop presents new ways of thinking based upon timeless Buddhist wisdom along with guided meditations you can practice at …

Devil’s Ridge

Devil's Ridge Golf Club 3700 Metamora Rd, Oxford, MI, us

18 holes of golf, $45.00We have four tee times beginning at 1:00pm

The Four Seals of Liberating Wisdom – online meditation class

Online event

Sundays | 12pm - 1:15pm EASTERNwith Gen Kelsang Zamling, Resident Teacher | $12Info & Registration here: --- The Four Seals are four meditative insights into reality that enable us to experience the liberating wisdom of Mahamudra, the true nature of things. During this series, we will explore each of these four insights: profound topics …

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Our new loyalty/rewards software lets you reward your existing customers and gets them back in to your store.  Our rewards app lets your customers scan a QR code to earn reward points and reminds them when they are close to redeeming their reward.