Online Lifeguarding Classes in Michigan
Lifeguarding Classes LLC is offering an Online Lifeguard Course with Remote Skills Checks in Michigan.
Lifeguarding Classes LLC is offering an Online Lifeguard Course with Remote Skills Checks in Michigan.
Lincoln hills
Michigan Real Estate Pre-Licensing Course: LIVE through Zoom
Lifeguarding Classes LLC is offering an Online Lifeguard Course with Remote Skills Checks in Michigan.
Take a break at lunch to refresh your mind and renew yourself ... and carry some peace into the rest of the day! Each session includes a brief introduction, a guided meditation, and concludes with practical ideas about how to stay connected to a positive mind during the day. No previous experience is necessary -- …
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Be sure to check your email the day before for the Zoom link to join!Join current international MBA students to learn more about life in Ann Arbor, classes, the Ross MBA community, and more!
Start your day by cultivating some peace of mind ... and take it with you for the rest of the day! Each session includes a brief introduction, a guided meditation, and concludes with practical ideas about how to stay connected to a positive mind during the day. No previous experience is necessary -- absolutely everyone …
Continue reading "Morning Guided Meditation – online livestream"
Lifeguarding Classes LLC is offering an Online Lifeguard Course with Remote Skills Checks in Michigan.
Learn how you can make your own infused Cannabis products!In this class we'll discuss all the necessary steps in creating your own infused cannabis products at home. Get creative, and get cooking!Note: This event is for medical patients and adults 21+
Michigan Real Estate Pre-Licensing Course: LIVE through Zoom
Start your day by cultivating some peace of mind ... and take it with you for the rest of the day! Each session includes a brief introduction, a guided meditation, and concludes with practical ideas about how to stay connected to a positive mind during the day. No previous experience is necessary -- absolutely everyone …
Continue reading "Morning Guided Meditation – online livestream"
Our new loyalty/rewards software lets you reward your existing customers and gets them back in to your store. Our rewards app lets your customers scan a QR code to earn reward points and reminds them when they are close to redeeming their reward.