Wednesday golf-Tanglewood

4 tee times. Weekly sign up. Please keep your RSVP up to date so we can release what we don’t use. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you all! ⛳️People are welcome to hang out after for food and drink!

Springdale 5 20 530 540

Springdale Park 316 Strathmore Rd, Bloomfield Hills, MI, us


Lincoln hills 4 40 4 50 500

Lincoln Hills Golf Course 2666 West 14 Mile Road, Birmingham, MI, us

Lincoln hills

Farmington hills. 6 00 6 08

Farmington Hills Golf Club 37777 11 Mile Ct, Farmington Hills, MI, US

2 t times. One tee time allowed carts 2nd t time has to walk

Wednesday golf-Tanglewood

4 tee times. Weekly sign up. Please keep your RSVP up to date so we can release what we don’t use. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you all! ⛳️People are welcome to hang out after for food and drink!

Springdale 5 20 5 30 5 40

Springdale Golf Course 316 Strathmore Rd, Bloomfield Hills, MI, us


Springdale 5 00 5 10 5 20

Springdale Park 316 Strathmore Rd, Bloomfield Hills, MI, us


Wednesday golf-Tanglewood

3 tee times. Weekly sign up. Please keep your RSVP up to date so we can release what we don’t use. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you all! ⛳️People are welcome to hang out after for food and drink!

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