Learn About Agency and Agency Agreements

Online event

Agency and working with various agents under written agency agreements is a key component of real estate transactions. Despite what you may have heard or learned elsewhere, there are different types of agreements, and misunderstandings and disputes arise when there is a lack of clarity, understanding, and expectations regarding the roles of agents and investors …

X Golf

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Proceed With Caution: Proactive Tax Planning With CPA Ralph Gurgnus

Online event

Taxes are one of the least exciting topics, but they are excruciatingly necessary for the investor, because Uncle Sam will need to get his pieces of the pie. At A2REIC, we preach being PROACTIVE in your business. Our Guest Speaker has a great saying: "A return without a plan is an autopsy." Come join us …

Proceed With Caution: Proactive Tax Planning With CPA Ralph Gurgnus

Online event

Taxes are one of the least exciting topics, but they are excruciatingly necessary for the investor, because Uncle Sam will need to get his pieces of the pie. At A2REIC, we preach being PROACTIVE in your business. Our Guest Speaker has a great saying: "A return without a plan is an autopsy." Come join us …

Learn How to Buy Bank Owned Properties

Online event

During this session, we'll cover the procedures, protocols, and requirements unique to purchasing Bank Owned properties. During this session, we'll put our analysis skills into action, and take a look at actual Bank Owned Properties that are actively for sale as of the morning of this MeetUp. We'll look at the newest listings, and maybe …

Learn How to Buy Bank Owned Properties

Online event

During this session, we'll cover the procedures, protocols, and requirements unique to purchasing Bank Owned properties. During this session, we'll put our analysis skills into action, and take a look at actual Bank Owned Properties that are actively for sale as of the morning of this MeetUp. We'll look at the newest listings, and maybe …

Premium Listing Includes Access To Our Loyalty Software !

Our new loyalty/rewards software lets you reward your existing customers and gets them back in to your store.  Our rewards app lets your customers scan a QR code to earn reward points and reminds them when they are close to redeeming their reward.