Learn How to Buy Bank Owned Properties

Online event

During this session, we'll cover the procedures, protocols, and requirements unique to purchasing Bank Owned properties. During this session, we'll put our analysis skills into action, and take a look at actual Bank Owned Properties that are actively for sale as of the morning of this MeetUp. We'll look at the newest listings, and maybe …


X Golf Novi 44325 W. 12 Mile Road, Suite H179, Novi, MI, us

3 bays, 2 hours. Please keep your rsvp up to date so if you cannot join, others on the waitlist can. Thanks. ⛳️


X Golf Novi 44325 W. 12 Mile Road, Suite H179, Novi, MI, us

3 bays, 2 hours. Please keep your rsvp up to date so if you cannot join, others on the waitlist can. Thanks. ⛳️

X Golf Added Space

X-Golf Novi 44325 W 12 Mile Rd, Novi, MI, us

X Golf Only Time available is for an hour so i thought to give it a try

‘The Adam Project’ Advanced In-Person Screening with The Sci Fi Book Club

Alice Tully Hall W 65th St, New York, NY, us

Hey everyone! We have just been invited to another IN-PERSON film preview! 'The Adam Project' comes out on Netflix in mid-March but this is your chance to see it early and in a REALLY cool venue. Starring Ryan Reynolds, Mark Ruffalo, and Jennifer Garner, 'The Adam Project' is about a time-traveler that teams up with …

March Money Madness: Learn About Financing Options

Online event

Once you have your goals in place, a plan to achieve them, the skill to analyze deals, estimate costs, and know how to negotiate, you can turn your attention to learning about money, and creating the resources to finance not only your next deal, but your entire investing career. Obviously, we can't provide everything you …

Open Meeting. Bring a guest.

LaPorte County Library 904 Indiana Avenue, La Porte, IN, us

Real Estate Investors networking Event

Open Meeting. Bring a guest.

LaPorte County Library 904 Indiana Avenue, La Porte, IN, us

Real Estate Investors networking Event

Learn About Duplexes, Triplexes, and Quads

Online event

Many folks in the real estate investing world believe that the fastest way to wealth is through a sustained and systematic approach through investing in residential two-to four-unit multi-family properties. Most investors also believe that these types of properties are the safest way to invest as well. The reasons behind this are many, but basically, …


X Golf Novi 44325 W. 12 Mile Road, Suite H179, Novi, MI, us

3 bays If you need to cancel, please do so at least 24 hours in advance so anyone who is waitlisted has time to see they have gotten in and can still attend. Thanks.

Learn About Student Housing w/ Guest Speaker Jason Hill

Online event

We're pleased to announce that we'll be joined by A2REIC member, and successful Student Rental owner Jason Hill. Jason has a great story about how he started, how he weathered a few major setbacks, how he stayed persistent, and is now operating a very successful property in a very competitive niche. He will share the …

Premium Listing Includes Access To Our Loyalty Software !

Our new loyalty/rewards software lets you reward your existing customers and gets them back in to your store.  Our rewards app lets your customers scan a QR code to earn reward points and reminds them when they are close to redeeming their reward.