Farmington Hills – 2 tee times starting a 1:04
Farmington Hills Golf Club 37777 11 Mile Ct, Farmington Hills, MI, USFarmington Hills - 18 Holes on Sunday at 1:04 & 1:12
Farmington Hills - 18 Holes on Sunday at 1:04 & 1:12
Please cancel 24 hours in advance
Let's play Moose Ridge! 3 tee times, 5:30, 5:40, 5:50. Senior rates is $30, regular rate is $38. They said they MIGHT give us all the $30 rate. Cross your fingers!
********************************* PLEASE READ ***************************** This is just an information gathering post...THERE IS NO TEE TIME scheduled as of yet. See update below. Hello all. Last night was the last Wednesday evening for the Tanglewood golfers. I inquired with Tanglewood about continuing the group at 5:30 and there is nothing available until 6:00pm. Unfortunately last night's …
Continue reading "Tanglewood? Moose Ridge?? Someplace else???"
Lincoln hills
Foursome to finish off the week
If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there. Real estate investing is serious business. Yes, it can be fun. Yes, you can treat it like a game, but at the end of the day, there are large dollars involved, lots of commitments, and lots of responsibilities. I cannot get over …
Continue reading "Group Coaching: Q3 Planning and SMART Goals"
Red Hawk Golf Club in East Tawas is an up north dream. Beautiful course in the woods and hills with lots of nature. It is approx. 2.5 hours from Royal Oak. I have booked 2 tee times...10:40 - 10:50. There are great places in East Tawas for dinner afterwards for those so inclined.
Devil's Ridge - 12:30
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