

About My Southwest Michigan Business Directory

Our community resource website  is an online list or catalog of websites. We are striving to build a community of businesses that is easy for visitors to find, and that helps businesses with their exposure on the internet. That is, it is a directory on the World Wide Web of (all or part of) the World Wide Web. Historically, directories typically listed entries on people or businesses, and their contact information; such directories are still in use today. A web directory or what we like to call a community resource website, includes entries about websites, including links to those websites, organized into categories and subcategories. Besides a link, each entry may include the title of the website, and a description of its contents. In most web directories, the entries are about whole websites, rather than individual pages within them (called “deep links”). Websites are often limited to inclusion in only a few categories.
There are two ways to find information on the Web: by searching or browsing. Web directories provide links in a structured list to make browsing easier. Many web directories combine searching and browsing by providing a search engine to search the directory. Unlike search engines, which base results on a database of entries gathered automatically by web crawler, most web directories are built manually by human editors. Many web directories allow site owners to submit their site for inclusion, and have editors review submissions for fitness.
Web directories may be general in scope, or limited to particular subjects or fields. Entries may be listed for free, or by paid submission (meaning the site owner must pay to have his or her website listed).

Premium Listing Includes Access To Our Loyalty Software !

Our new loyalty/rewards software lets you reward your existing customers and gets them back in to your store.  Our rewards app lets your customers scan a QR code to earn reward points and reminds them when they are close to redeeming their reward.